Monday, July 13, 2009

Public Option is a Must for health care

In Washington D.C. we have a Congress that is debating whether to include a public option, in which Americans will have a choice to join in on a public plan by the U.S. government to have health insurance. It is a way to bring competition to the health insurance companies. Currently, these insurance companies are deciding who gets to have health care and who does not. They are given the ability to make large profits off of the suffering of the American people. Though a single payer system is not possible right now, which would give all Americans the accessibility to health care, a public option is our best shot. The Clinton Administration failed to provide health reform and in our present day it is mandatory to succeed. If there is failure on this issue it is a huge setback for President Obama's administration and possibly a one term presidency for him.

The opponents of a public option, known as the republican party and possibly some democrats, have to put aside any contributions or support they have received from insurance companies and look at humanity. This should not be about politics, but it is. Politicians who oppose such measures of health reform need to realize that the health of a people is the life of our nation. Why should anybody in our country suffer, go bankrupt, or die because they cannot pay for health insurance or receive access to health care without being financially destroyed? This is an act of inhumanity. We have to care for each other. There are issues in which politics does not have to be a key agent in the final legislation. The ability for someone to not fear getting sick due to the costs of our health care system is a must. Instead republicans and other politicians who oppose these measures are playing politics. They worry that they will be setback from something that will help their own constituents.

This is not socialism. This is not a takeover of government against the people. Such fear tactics must die and the life of the American people is to not be setback because of such costs. This is 2009 and this country still has to get in the program of helping Americans in which the rest of the Western world has already accomplished.

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